
The origin of the subzones, the three areas of Bardolino
  already written about in the nineteenth century.

Chapter 3.1

Chapter 3.1.1

Historically, within the present Bardolino production region, the organoleptic and qualitative peculiarities of the wines of three specific macro-zones were recognized. These were however not indicated in the production regulations approved in 1968, and were reintroduced only with the amendment adopted in 2018.

Chapter 3.1.2

In Giovanni Battista Perez’s volume “La Provincia di Verona ed i suoi vini”, published in 1900, he refers to the fact that, as long ago as around 1825, “expert appraisers” had identified in the Bardolino area the specific natures of three zones, known at the time as “Valle di Caprino”, “Plaga Gardense” and “Colli Morenici Meridionali”.

Commercially speaking, for these three zones a “criterion of progressive quality of the grapes” had been assumed. Incidentally, this took place before the definition of the crus of Bordeaux - made formal, as is well known - in the classification of 1855.

Chapter 3.1.3

This same triple division of the Bardolino area had also been briefly drawn attention to in the “1837 Report of the agricultural observer Bernardino Angelini” contained in the “Memorie dell’Accademia d’Agricoltura Commercio ed Arti di Verona” of 1840: here one reads that “the harvest proceeded meanwhile speedily in the high area of the Province to the right of the Adige, that is to say in the Districts of Caprino, Bardolino and Villafranca”.

Chapter 3.1.4

The three wine-producing districts within the Bardolino area were subsequently cited in the “Piccola enografia italiana” by Pompeo Trentin, published in 1903. The distinctive quality and organoleptic superiority of these macro-areas or “districts” was also confirmed in 1939 by the Experimental Station for Viticulture and Oenology in Conegliano.

Next chapter

The districts

Chapter 3.2




Discover subzone



La Rocca

Discover subzone




Discover subzone
